Sunday, October 29, 2006

Rush Limbaugh Fakes Stupidity

"Limbaugh's ability to say things that are outrageous and refuse to let them drop have led some to claim he is socially deficient or possibly mentally defective. Here's one pundit who doesn't buy it, but instead suggests that it is a clever ploy to make Rush's detractors seem like elitist snobs."

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5 Ways To Prevent Iraq From Getting Even Worse

"Staying the course is no longer an option. Here's the best scenario for the U.S. to do some good before it pulls out."

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If You Break it, You Pay For It, Mr. President

"Bush hits the campaign trail stumping for two troubled candidates just as Iraq and his Republican Party seem to be falling apart simultaneously"

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Where did the Republican Revolution Go Astray?

"The answer is simple: Republican lawmakers forgot the party's principles, became enamored with power and position, and began putting politics over policy. Now, the Democrats are reaping the rewards of our neglect -- and we have no one to blame but ourselves."

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

America : A Country Ruled by Faith

"Aside from Rove and Cheney, Bush's inner circle are all deeply religious. [Condoleezza] Rice is a minister's daughter, chief of staff Andrew Card is a minister's husband, Karen Hughes is a church elder, and head speechwriter Michael Gerson is a born-again evangelical, a movement insider"

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The psychosis of Rush Limbaugh.

"I once had a friend who listened to Rush Limbaugh three hours a day. He was a Republican operative. He sat in my apartment, wearing headphones, while I worked. He swore that if I put on the headphones for 10 minutes, I'd be hooked. So I put them on."

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David Letterman vs. Bill O'Reilly, Round Two

"David Letterman didn't try to hide the fact last night that he just plain doesn't like Bill O'Reilly. When O'Reilly tried to suggest that Dave believes "Bush is an evil liar" and that "America is a bad country" Letterman came back with the line of the month "You're trying to put words in my mouth just the way you put artificial facts in your head.""

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Is the GOP a Conservative Party? No Way

"The GOP is not now, never was and never will be a conservative party. It is what it has always been ? a representative of the rich and of big business. A true conservative is fiscally responsible. Laying debt and interest payments on posterity is neither conservative nor liberal. It is just obscenely irresponsible."

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Throw the Bums Out! Your elected officials didn't seek office to serve you

"Do our schools work? No. Does FEMA work? Ask the city of New Orleans. How about Social Security? Will that be there for you when you retire? No way. Does the government protect us and keep us safe? Fact is, what we have in Washington is a whole bunch of slimy bastards. Government officials are so totally incompetent, they can?t even sell themselve"

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Why Japan Refuses to Go Nuclear

"Japan is an economic superpower, with a large and complete civilian nuclear cycle, more than 20tonnes of plutonium (though not weapons-grade) and the financial, engineering, electronic and rocketry capabilities to go nuclear quickly. The Japan Defence Agency has secretly or unofficially examined the possibility at least twice, in 1970 and 1994"

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Friday, October 27, 2006

The Year Of Playing Dirtier - GOP Spending 90% On Negative Ads

"The NRCC is spending more than 90 percent of its advertising budget on negative ads, and the rest of the party seems to be following suit. The result has been a carnival of ugly, especially on the GOP side, where operatives are trying to counter what polls show is a hostile political environment by casting opponents as fatally flawed characters."

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Olbermann: Making adjustments to the language of making adjustments

"Keith Olbermann comments on "Staying the Course". "Evidently, somebody at the White House needs a little help with 'The Google'.""

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Radically Change the Way Congress Does Business: Make Them Read the Bills

"?Average Americans often wonder how so much pork-barrel spending happens in Washington, and why it can?t be stopped. ?One big reason is that most members of Congress have no idea what?s really in the bills they pass. The latest budget vote is a perfect example. We voted at 4 in the morning on a huge bill that wasn?t even finished until midnight."

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Michael Moore vs. Bill O'Reilly Pt. 1of 2.

"Wooohooo :) and I love it when O'Reily quotes Woodward."

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Michael Moore vs. Bill O'Reilly Pt. 2of 2

"Moore says he would give his life to track down the bad guys in Afghanistan"

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Video: FOX's John Gibson warns if Dems win, insurgents win

"The increase in violence in Iraq is an effort by insurgents to defeat Republicans and put Democrats in control of Congress, warns John Gibson of FOX News. Gibson says, "If Democrats who hate Bush and who hate the war in Iraq win, the insurgents win. I'm sorry but it's true. America will set a date to get out and Jihad will have carried the day.""

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Speaker Hastert Unexpectedly Testifies Over Page Scandal (Picture)

"Video cameras unexpectedly caught Hastert entering the ethics committee meeting on the page scandal. It was not previously known that he would be testifying."

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tony Snow Falsely Claims Bush Said ‘Stay The Course’ Only Eight Times

"White House Press Secretary Tony Snow today said ?we went back and looked today and could only find eight times where he [Bush] ever used the phrase stay the course.? Apparently, the White House research team isn?t very good at ?the Google.? He has actually used the term 30 times."

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Bush Signs Away The Birthright Of All Americans

"It does, however, have the potential to save the lives of traitors and murders, such as the man who signed it, and his vice president, and his secretary of state, and his secretary of defense, and his senior political adviser, and his senior war advisor, and his director of national intelligence..."

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More Guns, Safer Schools

"Unfortunately, because the govt has monopolized the educational system & the 2nd Amendment has lost its true meaning, schools will probably not be able to protect themselves more effectively against those who are mad at the world or who have unresolved "issues." Maybe it should be time to hear about how children & teens were saved because of guns."

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The Strategy in Iraq Has Never Been

"On Sunday President Bush told George Stephanopoulos that the strategy in Iraq has "never been "stay the course."" Well, I guess he was just joking the past few years.."

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Do You Cost the Govt $$? Heck NO.. the government costs you money!

"Whenever tax cuts are discussed in DC, the media and most politicians use the phrase, ?cost to government.? ?How much will this tax cut cost the government?? we are asked, as though some crime is being contemplated when we consider reducing taxes. The American people have every right to fund the federal government at whatever level they decide...."

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How Do You Show Your Faith In the Government? VOTE

"The ever-dwindling minority of Americans who do continue to vote will express their faith in and commitment to the system that is destroying both themselves and their children. They will stagger into voting booths, cast their ballots, and have their Pavlovian conditioning reinforced with the reward of an ?I voted? sticker with which to let others"

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Bush Admits There Is No Evidence Insurgents Trying to Influence Election

"In the past week, top Bush administration officials have been suggesting that insurgents in Iraq are increasing attacks in order to influence the U.S. midterm elections. But these claims are completely without any basis in reality."

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Recipe for a Cooked Election

"Take a few million spoiled ballots, stir in some shredded absentees, add a big bunch of uncounted minority votes, and election credibility reaches a new low."

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Olbermann Special Comment - How the Republicans are the Ones Terrorizing

"A Special Comment from Keith Olbermann this one on the terrorism visited upon the American people not by al Qaeda, but by George W. Bush and the Republican party. Keith says "the president needs to pull over and ask for directions." The problem is that George doesn't know how to take directions."

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Why Arabs won't assist Palestinians

""Arab regimes have always demanded that the international community come to the aid of Palestinians and force Israel to accept the return of refugees. Arab states did not consider it their moral or financial responsibility to take the weight of the Palestinian refugee crisis.""

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Time for the Neocons to Admit It? The Iraq War Was Wrong From the Start

"The good ship Neocon is going down. She has struck the Iraqi rocks, the engine room is awash, and on the deck in anxious pursuit of something to float them away is a curious assembly. The former hawks of press and politics now scramble for the status of visionaries let down by functionaries. This is a lifeboat that will not float."

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Bush says he uses “the Google.”

"Today on CNBC, when the host asked Bush whether he ever googles anyone, Bush replied, "Occasionally. One of the things I?ve used on the Google is to pull up maps. It?s very interesting to see -- I?ve forgot the name of the program -- but you get the satellite, and you can -- like, I kinda like to look at the ranch.""

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Running for office? Better run from Stephen Colbert!

"Most politicians are as likely to pass up free TV face time before an election as they would be to refuse a campaign check. Then again, there's a price to be paid for looking stupid. That's what members of Congress have learned recently about "Better Know a District," a sarcastic weekly skit that is part of "The Colbert Report.""

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"Some conservatives are trying to downplay the stakes of the upcoming election. This morning on Meet the Press, conservative pundit Robert Novak said, ?I would make the argument that this is one of the least important elections that I have seen.?"

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The Complete 911 Timeline

"The Complete 911 Timeline investigative project, one of several grassroots investigations being hosted by the Cooperative Research website."

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Bush: 'I Have Not Read One Book About Me' (Video)

"On ABC, Bush claimed that he's never read a book about himself. Asked if he thinks "there's anything you could learn from these books in real-time?" Bush said: ?No.?"

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Is Bush Deliberately Provoking Iran? Remember the Eisenhower

"On 10/21, a naval battle group led by the USS Eisenhower will arrive in the Gulf of Hormuz, just off the coast of Iran. There is every good likelihood that such a deliberately provocative act will lead to what will be termed as an Iranian attack on an American vessel. This Tonkin-like incident will be used as the justification for a US military"

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Replace the Income Tax? History provides wonderful guides for how to do it

"My name is Charles Adams, author of a 20-year study, entitled, For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization. History reveals that most great empires taxed themselves to death, while others became great because of the right kind of taxes ? taxes that stimulated growth, peace and commerce. If the Congress decides it is time to"

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Rep. Admits 'Playing Politics' When He Asked For Suspension of Staffer

"An astoundingly candid interview by Rep. Ray LaHood (R-IL)."

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O'Reilly's Interview with Bush: Softball, Misleading, Attacks Democrats

"On the October 16, 17, and 18 editions of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly aired portions of his October 16 interview with President George W. Bush, which consisted of such "tough questions" as whether Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) is "soft on terrorism"."

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Vice President Clinton?

"The prospective presidential candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton has given rise to plenty of speculation about the notion of Bill Clinton as the nation's first gentleman. But what about another role? How about, say, vice president?"

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Fox News Says Stadium Terror Hoax Shows Succes of Warrantless Spying

"Moments after host Neil Cavuto noted that the FBI had officially determined that a purported terrorist plot to attack seven NFL stadiums was a "hoax," former CIA agent Wayne Simmons cited the fake plot as "the perfect example of the president's Military Commissions Act of 2006 and the NSA [National Security Agency] terrorist eavesdropping program""

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Pat Tillman's Brother, Kevin Tillman, Speaks Out on His Behalf

"It is Pat?s birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after. People still have a voice. People still can take action. It can start after Pat?s birthday."

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SUVs Escape Guzzler Tax

"The gas guzzler tax was established in 1978, and the formula used to calculate the tax has never been updated. Therefore, folks who buy a Jeep Grand Cherokee 4WD (rated at 12/15 mpg) don't have to pay the guzzler tax, while those who buy Mercedes AMG Wagon (14/20) must. Maybe it is time to update this tax."

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

How To Spot a Dictator

"Now that we have established a Democratic Dictatorship there seems to be some confusion. This is America! Constitutional Monarchy? It can?t happen here! We learned that in the third grade. It has happened here! With the passing of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, America has its very first bona fide dictator!"

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Tyranny's Cash Drawer? The Security-Industrial-Congressional Complex (SICC)

"People are easily misled by promises of government salvation, especially when they are consumed by fear for their physical safety or their economic security. Making matters even more difficult is the state's co-optation of a large number of people who have discovered that in the United States the rise of Big Brother offers enormous opportunities .."

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A Billion Dollars a Year for Pot?

"American taxpayers are now spending more than a billion dollars per year to incarcerate its citizens for pot. The new BJS report is noteworthy because it undermines the common claim from law enforcement officers and bureaucrats, specifically the White House drug czar, that few, if any, Americans are incarcerated for marijuana-related offenses."

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Wikiality: The Colbert Wikipedia

"Because, If enough people believe something is is ? just like on Wikipedia."

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Reflections on the Eve of Another Rigged Election

"The Bush administration can not allow the Democrats to take control of either house of Congress. And they are in a position to prevent it, regardless of the will of the American voters."

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Olbermann: The Day Habeas Corpus Died

"135 years to the day after the last American President suspended habeas corpus, President Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006. The legislation allows Bush or Rumsfeld to declare anyone, US citizen or not, an enemy combatant, lock them up and throw away the key without a chance to prove their innocence in a court of law."

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Matt Drudge’s Efforts To Cast Doubt On Global Warming Reaches New Low

"Global warming is real. Matt Drudge, ?the Walter Cronkite of his era,? is working overtime to convince people it isn?t happening. Here?s what he put up on the Drudge Report today..."

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Magazine names America's 10 'dumbest Congressmen'

"Congress, as any CSPAN viewer can attest, has never been a bastion of intelligence. As far back as a century ago, Samuel Johnson was demeaning the nation's legislators as a "circus of rogues and fools." But when it comes to sheer stupidity, the men and women of the 109th have distinguished themselves as a breed apart."

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Are Americans Halfway Towards Economic Slavery? Yes! says Walter Williams

"From Jan. 1 until May 8, five months out of the year, the government decides how our earnings are spent. Economist Walter Williams likened this to slavery in the sense that someone works all year and someone else decides how the fruits of his or her labor will be used. So in effect, Americans are nearly halfway towards economic slavery."

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Bush in the Rose Garden Is a President Adrift

"When Bush went to the Rose Garden on Oct. 11th, the event failed as theater and served as an unintended display of a presidency adrift. His usual repartee with reporters about their inflated salaries and spiffy dress failed to elicit more than polite titters. It was the serious stuff that was laughable."

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Tom Daschle Talks About The Unsolved Anthrax Attack

"Oct. 15, 2001, is a day I'll never forget. On that day one of my staff members opened an anthrax-laced letter addressed to me, and my office became a part of the deadliest bioterrorism attack in U.S. history. Five years later, the alarm I and many others experienced on that dark day has been replaced by a deep discouragement and dismay."

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Power of Nightmares

"In January 2001, four people were being tried for terrorism, but the CIA and FBI wanted to convict Bin Laden at the same time. In order to do that (under USA law) they had to be an organization. Much like a Mafia boss can be tried for things he's not "directly" involved in. So Al Qaeda was invented."

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Schoolgirl arrested for refusing to study with non-English pupils

"UK - A teenage schoolgirl was arrested by police for racism after refusing to sit with a group of Asian students because some of them did not speak English."

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Keith Olbermann: Dissecting new Book: Tempting Faith

"Tonight on Countdown?David Kuo, who was the number two guy at the Office of Faith Based initiatives in the White House writes a scathing account of how the administration used Christians to grab and maintain power."

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Giant Slush Fund for Congress to Spend? Your Social Security $$$

"Contributions are supposed to be set aside from general revenues & placed in a trust fund. The truth, of course, is that your contributions are not put aside. Over the decades Congress found itself simply unable to sit on a big pile of money, so it began treating SS contributions as general revenues to fund the ever-growing federal government."

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O'Reilly: 'North Korea is causing trouble' to 'influence November election'

"On the October 9 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly claimed that "the reason North Korea is causing trouble" by allegedly developing and testing nuclear weapons "is that it wants to influence the November election." He added: "That is not a partisan statement. It is a fact,"."

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Debate That Refuses to Die: Gay Marriage

"Marriage used to be a private matter between two people or, at most, two people's families. A clear distinction was made between marriage and a union recognized by the authorities. Apart from government's rapacious desire to control all facets of human life, there is no reason at all why government couldn't simply accept as valid any civil union"

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A Vote We Can Believe In

"Sometimes, paranoids are right. And sometimes even when paranoids are wrong, it's worth considering what they're worried about. I speak here of all who are worried sick that those new, fancy high-tech voting systems can be hacked, fiddled with and otherwise made to record votes that aren't cast or fail to record votes that are."

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America's Temple to Political Plunder: For the Great Railroad Lobbyist

"Lincoln was a corporate lobbyist long before the term lobbyist was even invented. When he began his political career in 1832 he announced that, as a Whig, his goal was to promote policies that would benefit the country?s wealthy corporate elite at the expense of the rest of the nation: protectionism, corporate welfare for "internal improvements,""

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Why Integrity Matters: The Amish and Mark Foley

"Two news stories arose in the same week, each illustrating the significance of living one?s life with integrity. One involved allegations that Republican Congressman Mark Foley had explicit sexual e-mail conversations with teen-aged male pages. The other informed us of the killing and wounding of a number of young Amish children by a deranged man."

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Gambling with Freedom? Govt creates more crimes

"Govt should not turn vices into crimes, even granting the notion that gambling is a vice, which is questionable in the context of today's Congress. Perhaps pork barrel spending is a more serious vice, one to which Congress should direct its attention. How significant are gambling losses, really, when compared to pork barrel and other wasted govt..."

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Congress Needs Tutorial on the U.S. Constitution

"Phyllis Schlafly: "Byrd deserves our thanks for this great idea (to 'hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on Sept. 17')... The only thing the matter with his law is that he should have required a constitutional tutorial to be taken by judges and members of Congress.""

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Monday, October 09, 2006

Jon Stewart Says 'No Way' to Stewart-Colbert '08

"Those people wearing "Stewart/Colbert '08" T-shirts can stop hoping. Comedy Central's fake news stars have no intention of making a run for the White House. Jon Stewart said the T-shirts promoting him and Stephen Colbert "are a real sign of how sad people are" with the state of affairs in the country."Nothing says 'I am ashamed of you my govern"

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The Impeachment Moment? The Case for Taking the Tape Off Our Mouths

"Impeachment and removal, followed later by indictment and conviction, will be a long struggle. (It will, sadly, slow Congress down for a while in its work of destroying the world.) But it is needed to restore the U.S. Constitution as well as international law, and to establish a standard of accountability for the launching of aggressive wars. ...."

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Is Political Affiliation Just Blind Loyalty? Why I'm Leaving the GOP

""Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." We Republicans must give first loyalty to the vision of America we share with Franklin, that of a nation that is better than momentary fear and anger. Try though I have, I can no longer believe Bush & our current Congressional ....."

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From Freedom to Fascism (Full Movie)

"If you haven't yet seen the movie "America: From Freedom to Fascism", here is your chance to see the entire documentary, free."

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Rahm Emanuel Shuts Down GOP's Foley Defense

"DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel was scheduled to debate RCCC Chairman Thomas Reynolds on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Entangled in the Foley page scandal himself, Reynolds ducked the debate, sending Rep. Adam Putnam in his stead. Emanuel gives a nearly perfect performance."

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

New York Magazine: Stephen Colbert on Ann Coulter

"New York magazine has an automatic winner in putting this Stephen Colbert article on the cover. This particular Colbert article looks to be extra-good, authored as it is by the perspicacious and very funny in his own right Adam Sternbergh. In the article, Colbert offers "The Stephen Colbert-Ann Coulter Challenge.""

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Public Schools Have Flunked Out: How can we save

"Public schools are brain dead and on life support; so let?s pull the plug on them, give them a decent funeral, and let better alternatives take root and flourish. Education is what we must save & regenerate, not an obsolete proven flop that has been in a persistent counterproductive condition for decades. The time has come to slaughter a sacred cow"

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Keith Olbermann on the Difference Between Terrorists

"While the leadership in Congress has self-destructed over the revelations of an unmatched, and unrelieved, march through a cesspool ...While the leadership inside the White House has self-destructed over the revelations of a book with a glowing red cover ...The president of the United States ? unbowed, undeterred and unconnected to reality ?"

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Diebold vote-hack roundup

"A nice roundup of articles and videos explaining plain and simple why you should not even consider using a Diebold machine to cast your vote this November."

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Return of the King? How far from Constitutional govt has Bush taken us?

"A couple of days ago I was perusing the 1689 English Bill of Right ? precursor of our own Bill of Rights ? and note that the sum total of the gripes the English parliamentarians had against James II are precisely what we have in the United States today. Here's the complete list of basic rights the English wanted protected against their king ......."

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Conservative Accuses Page of

"On the October 2 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage responded to allegations that former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) sent sexually explicit messages to former congressional pages by declaring that "the kid was leading him on" and was "gay-baiting" Foley. Savage also called the page a "sleazeball" and "a greedy."

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Olbermann:It is not the Democrats whose inaction in the face of the enemy..

"Olbermann: And lastly tonight, a Special Comment, about ? lying. While the leadership in Congress has self-destructed over the revelations of an unmatched, and unrelieved, march through a cesspool? While the leadership inside the White House has self-destructed over the revelations of a book with a glowing red cover?"

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Arming Teachers? Wisconsin Legislator plans to intro bill to do just that

"To protect our kids from harm, I plan to introduce legislation to allow, NOT REQUIRE, trained school personnel to carry weapons in Wisconsin. Other countries have done it successfully and made their schools more safe in the process. I truly believe that it can work in WI too. What do you think?It will be interesting to see how this concept"

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CBS Evening News Parades 'Gay Cabal' Conspiracy Theory (Video)

"Couric's evening news had a segment featuring the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins claiming gay GOP operatives had a "network" that covered up Foley's behavior just because he was also gay."

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Fox Blames Voters in Florida for Foley 'they should have known better'

"In deflecting blame from House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) for apparently failing to properly address inappropriate emails allegedly sent by former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) to an underage male congressional page, Bill Kristol said that "the voters in Florida" shared the blame for Foley."

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Ten Reasons You Will Not Recognize America in Ten Years

"A sobering summary of policies and cultural changes that will make America unrecognizable from the land of freedom and prosperity we were taught that it was. News and insight every concerned person should be aware of, from the Patriot Act to the end of Habeas Corpus."

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Foley Scandal In 10 Minutes - As Only Keith Olbermann Can Do

"David Shuster just reported that sources on Capital Hill are telling him Hastert is done as Speaker. They are saying he will not hold the position in the next week. Following that, Keith gives a rundown on the timeline in the Foley scandal."

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Associated Press - Dennis Hastert is a Democrat

"Josh Marshall earlier this morning discovered the AP labeling Foley a Democrat. BradBlog posted the graphic later on, but missed another problem. Dennis Hastert is now a Democrat too. Yes ladies and gentleman?our liberal media working for you!"

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Denial, arrogance led U.S. into Iraq trap

"If there's a lesson from Bob Woodward's latest book, it's that the calamity that has unfolded over the past three years in Iraq was born of a ruinous mix of arrogance and naivete from President Bush and his key deputies. Convinced that the war would be a walkover, they simply closed their ears to the many voices who warned of the impending dangers."

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Conservatives Push Claim That Foley Scandal Was

"ThinkProgress has a complete debunk, including quotes from ABC showing that their sources for the Foley emails were actually Republicans, not Democrats."

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The Cold War Inside the Pentagon

"The restoration of an effective civil-military compact ? one based on honesty and forthrightness rather than dissimulation ? promises to be a daunting task, the equivalent of restoring trust to a marriage after both parties have committed serial infidelities. No doubt Rumsfeld's removal from office stands as a necessary first step."

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17 US Soldiers Killed in Iraq Since Saturday / 263 Iraqis Killed Today

"Somehow 17 soldiers being killed in four days, 8 dying in Baghdad today alone, 263 Iraqi's dying today alone . . . and its not making the cable news channels or mainstream web-news sites. If you do care about things like soldiers, iraqis or afghan people, I recommend"

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

White House Opposes Independent Probe Of Foley Predator Scandal

"Think Progress has video. Top White House aide Dan Bartlett praised the House leadership?s handling of the Foley scandal as ?very aggressive,? and said the White House opposes an independent investigation of the issue."

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Fox's Brit Hume Compares Mark Foley to President Clinton (Video)

Hume said that while Foley is now "in total disgrace in his party," Clinton's "inappropriate behavior toward a subordinate [didn't] even cost Bill Clinton his standing in his party."

You can read more about it here.