One of Mozart's operas been taken off the playlist at Berlin's State Opera for fear of a terrorist attack. It's a shocking example of pre-emptive surrender: At this point, it seems, terrorists don't even need to issue a specific threat in order to intimidate us.
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
Bush's "Shadow Government" ? The SPP is a done deal, without Congress or us
"The documents clearly reveal that SPP, working within the US Dept. of Commerce, is far advanced in putting together a new regional infrastructure, creating a 'shadow' trilateral bureaucracy with Mexico & Canada that is aggressively rewriting a wide range of US administrative law all without congressional oversight or public disclosure,"
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What is the Bush-Rove "October Surprise"? Bomb Iran, Bioweapons Attack?
Bush advisor Karl Rove has been touting his "October surprise," aimed at keeping Repubs in office. While Rove will most certainly exploit the fear factor, the question remains if we'll let ourselves be fooled, yet again. Rove may reason that a US attack on Iran's alleged nuclear-weapons facilities would be enough to rally the public around Repubs
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Why Do We Need A New Congress? They forgot they work for We the People
Fed officials & the US military take an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution and the laws of this great land. But that promise to fidelity seems to have been forgotten or ignored by many in the Govt today, particularly in the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. The goal is boot them all out of office, except for Rep. Ron Paul...
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You can read more about it here.
O'Reilly on Iraq - I "couldn't care less about the country"
On the September 25 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Bill O'Reilly declared: "I don't care what Iraq was, I don't care what it will be. I just don't want them killing anybody or helping Al Qaeda." O'Reilly added that he "[c]ouldn't care less" about Iraq, even though he had previously criticized others for doing the same.
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You can read more about it here.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Slurp It: 7-Eleven Dumps Chavez's CITGO
Debbie Schlussel: "We're happy to report that 7-Eleven is ending its relationship with Chavez and CITGO. 7-Eleven also took an unusual, but courageous step for corporate America. It basically denounced Chavez's comments, last week, at the United Nations (see statement, below). We applaud that."
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You can read more about it here.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
What's The Best Way To Avoid Bad News? Don't Read it.
"I haven't read it," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said yesterday when asked his opinion of the once-secret April 2006 National Intelligence Estimate. His excuse -- the document was classified -- is a little shaky. Frist is a member of the "Gang of Eight," a group of top lawmakers who are briefed on the darkest secrets of American intel.
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You can read more about it here.
Falwell Refuses To Apologize For Lucifer Attack (Video)
On MSNBC today, Rev. Jerry Falwell said he would repeat his comments comparing Hillary Clinton to Lucifer "over and over again."
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You can read more about it here.
MSNBC Runs Entire Segment On Clinton's Socks And His "White Legs"
Today MSNBC decided to forego substantive discussion of terrorism and instead focused on the fact that former President Bill Clinton?s sock had slipped and part of his ?white? leg was showing during his interview with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. The MSNBC host asked her guests, ?Is this a travesty or what?? [VIDEO AT LINK]
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You can read more about it here.
Banana Republic Barbarism? Should Bush
The US Senate is cutting a deal with Bush to make America a banana republic. Last week, 3 senators reached an agreement with the WH that will de facto permit the CIA to continue torturing people around the world. And the deal will prevent anyone including Bush administration officials from being held liable for the torture.
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You can read more about it here.
Liberal Talk Radio More Accepting Than Conservatives Of Dissenting Views
New survey shows that progressive radio hosts were more willing to take callers with dissenting views than were conservatives. Findings, in order of accessibility: 1): Shultz (took all calls), 2) Rhodes, 3) Miller, 4) Ingraham, 5) Limbaugh, and 6) Hannity (took no calls).
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You can read more about it here.
Hey Diggers - Are You Going to be Drafted? And your Mother too? Read on.
Text of HR 4752: To provide for the common defense by requiring all persons in the US including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes. How do you like that? Call the perpetrator @ 202-225-4365
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You can read more about it here.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Just Who is Paid by Congress
Just click on the "home" tab and you can search by name, representative, senator, committee, leadership, administration or state. It's fascinating to see where so much of our $$$ is going.LegiStorm launched in September 2006. It has no political purpose except to make the workings of Congress as transparent as possible. Check it out...........
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You can read more about it here.
Do yourself and your country a favor
Call up your representative and senators -- Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter -- and tell them you want the April National Intelligence Estimate ("Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States") released to the public. Now. Before the election. So the public can know what the White House has been keeping from them.
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You can read more about it here.
You Might Be a Statist If ...
A list providing a superb starting point for those pondering their statist tendencies... check it out to see what applies to you.
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You can read more about it here.
No Warrant? No Search. Oppose Bush Legislation to spy on
With electronic surveillance, government may be able to prevent terrorist attacks. But that power, left unchecked, also permits the government to spy on everyone else. From harassing people for "suspicious" behavior, to outright blackmail of political opponents, government power is easily abused. This Specter-Cheney bill is a bad deal for Americans
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You can read more about it here.
The backrooms deals that have netted war profiteers billions
How companies like Harken and Halliburton are gaming the system - great article by Charlie Cray.
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You can read more about it here.
Bush Misleads Public On Impact of Iraq on Terrorism (Video)
In April, Bush recieved the National Intelligence Estimate -- "the most authorative document that the intelligence community produces" -- said that the Iraq War was creating "a new generation of terrorists." On August 21, Bush held a press conference and told the public that wasn't true.
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You can read more about it here.
What Costs Taxpayers $317 Bil
You may have seen this running counter before, but the number is so staggering that it needs to be reviewed periodically. It's a running total of the U.S. taxpayer cost of the Iraq War. The number is based on Congressional appropriations.
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You can read more about it here.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Muslim Tolerance
"How dare you say Islam is a violent religion? I'll kill you for it" is not exactly the best way to go about refuting the charge. But of course, refuting is not the point here. The point is intimidation. Religious "sensitivity" is a one-way street. The rules are enforced by Islamic mobs and abjectly followed by Western media and politicians.
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You can read more about it here.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Rumsfeld's Guinea Pigs? US Citizens at Risk for Military-Weapons Testing
It's naive to think that once developed, US military weapons will only be used against foreign populations. The Bush administration's "you're with us or against us" mentality leaves little room for domestic dissent, and as the line blurs it's naive to think that once developed, US military weapons will only be used against foreign populations.
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You can read more about it here.
Inflation: What Are Its Causes
Inflation is often called printing money, and the word conjures up images of printing presses working round the clock to churn out $100 bills that are shipped by truckloads to the Treasury Dept. In fact, all money creation is done via the banking system, and the task of the Bureau of Engraving & Printing is merely to accommodate the demand for.....
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You can read more about it here.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Have You Ever Taken the World's Smallest Political Quiz? Try It Here....
In 1969, David Nolan -- a political scientist who had been frustrated by simplistic "left-right" labels -- devised a chart to help delineate the shades of difference in between;categories also include authoritarian, libertarian and centrist. Nolan believed this chart was a more accurate way to measure a person's political philosophy .......
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You can read more about it here.
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Administration Misleads America on Iraq/Al Qaeda Link
A video compilation of administration officials asserting an Iraq/Al Qaeda link. The clips are from the days after a Senate Intelligence Committee report refuted the connection.
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You can read more about it here.
Matthews: 'I Have Been Against This Bullshit War From The Beginning'
Video of MSNBC's Chris Matthews being interviewed by Don Imus on Thursday morning.
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You can read more about it here.
Senator Says to Get an Abortion a Girl Should be a "Virgin" and "Religious"
A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalized and raped, sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically...
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You can read more about it here.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
White House Releases "Fact Sheet" on "Iraq's Links to Al Qaeda"
The document, called "Setting the Record Straight," is completely contradicted by the Senate Intelligence Report, released September 8, which concluded that Iraq did not have any pre-war links to al-Qaeda.
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You can read more about it here.
Why is Pat Tillman Dead? Family Demands That Govt Finally Tell the Truth
Pat Tillman was a professional football player. He volunteered to join the Army and go to Afghanistan. He was killed by "friendly fire" during an encounter with the "enemy" . Following the tragedy, the U.S. Army lied about his death. To date there have been something like four (4) official investigations or statements into what happened......
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You can read more about it here.
Can We Please Bring Our Damned Coffee On the Plane Again, Idiots?
You don?t have to be a laboratory scientist or explosives expert to know the ?Gatorade/iPod Bomb Plot? was total bullshit from Day One; you just need to be able to read and comprehend the simple explanations provided by said laboratory scientists or explosives experts.
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